Sittingbourne's Community Meal
Lean about what you love about your local area, what you would change, and your hopes for Sittingbourne's future.
Collaborated with community art’s charity Ideas Test and are pleased to invite you to Sittingbourne’s Community Meal Club on Tuesday 21st March from 2pm to 4pm.
The event aim is to learn about what you love about your local area, what you would change, and your hopes for Sittingbourne's future.
Musicians Naomi Bedford & Paul Simmonds will be turning your ideas into a song, which they'll perform while you eat - along with some other popular songs you might know! Raybel Charters will provide some delicious sail cargo-inspired food.
The event is free, however, booking is essential due to limited places.
Where: Dolphin Sailing Barge Museum ME10 2XD
When: 2pm to 4pm.
When: 2pm to 4pm.