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Scouts create new adventures for young people with special educational needs

Home / Blog / Scouts create new adventures for young people with special educational needs

1st Meadowfield Scouts opened in September 2023 to create a space for young people with special educational needs to explore and thrive. These Scouts (boys & girls aged 10-14) are a part of Meadowfield school, “a special school for pupils who have profound, severe and complex needs including a vast range of medical and learning needs.”

The Sittingbourne Scouts “became aware the school was looking to create an outside adventure within a safe space for their students, it was felt scouting would fit in nicely. We didn't want the young people to miss out on opportunities the Scout Association could offer.”

Scout activities are incorporated throughout school lessons and the Scouts visit the local campsite on a Thursday which “the young people have thrived at”. Since opening, they have already taken on new challenges such as building shelters, making mud pies, creating mosaics for the trees, bird nesting, fire building, team building & wildlife watching. “I love going I can be myself” says one of the young people at 1st Meadowfield Scouts.

“We have seen a raised confidence levels by the students coming out of the classroom. The young people have a large safe space available for them to be themselves.”

In the coming months, the 1st Meadowfield Scouts will be taking on more outdoor bushcraft activities such as mud drying, leaf crowns, team building within the sensory trail & trying new foods as part of international celebrations. They will also be taking part in the Scout classic: making smores!

“Meeting the needs of the young people and working with the school has been a real pleasure. Our campsite was not used during the day and for it to be used for this type of provision is amazing. The school and the district have worked hard to establish a strong commitment to give SEN children more adventures that is not the same as other schools. The district trustee board is very proud to have the sponsorship bringing scouting to young people who would not necessarily be able to access scouting. Having the site in use throughout the week is what was intended. We are so glad the school forms part of the scouting community.” – Angela Palmer, District Lead for Sittingbourne, Milton and District.

Being a Scout is all about discovering the world on your own terms and making the most of what you have, wherever and whoever you are.


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